what nourishes me
It may have been T.S. Eliott who said, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
A seedbed nurtures seeds by creating the best possible environment for them to sprout and develop into seedlings. It ensures good seed-to-soil contact and access to important nutrients like water and oxygen. Just as a seedbed nurtures seeds to grow, my vision board cultivates my goals and helps them flourish. In January, I reflect on the changes to make, create a new board, and position it so I see it every day. The images and quotes serve as reminders for me to act on my dreams.
The board serves to keep me going. For example, the kids playing soccer represent family, fun, and a poetry collection I’m writing about play. In the center, is an image that illustrates my platform of paying attention to the planet, using less plastic, and growing plants that benefit the birds. In 2025, I will strive to lift up others more.
I am grateful for Pat Zietlow Miller who joined me on my first uGROnews interview on Creative Point of View. The goal of the interviews is to showcase fellow creatives’ new books.
A second big project will kick off on March 14. Cynthia Mackey and I have planned a fun “STUCK BUMBLEBEE POETRY AND ILLUSTRATION Challenge”. It’s 30 days of one-word prompts to spark creativity meant to inspire everyone to create more poetry and/or illustrations. Each one-word prompt comes from the text of our picture books. STUCK! The Story of La Brea Tar Pits comes out on March 4 and IF A BUMBLEBEE LANDS ON YOUR TOE releases April 15. Details will be shared on BlueSky and Instagram.
INVALUABLE CONNECTIONS: Blogs, Contests, Interviews Promoting Kidlit
Aimee Satterlee “BOOK + GIFT” is a microblog series and annual curated gift list. Watch for my book STUCK! The Story of La Brea Tar Pits + a perfect gift!
Carolyn Fraiser See this amazing blog for a list of events.
Ciara O’Neal Spring Fling writing contest
Georgia Heard Poet Studio Workshops
Susanna Leonard Hill Picture Perfect Friday blog and Making Picture Book Magic
Lou Piccolo Editor, coach, poet, coach of kidlit
Lydia Lukidis “Blissfully Bookish” Subscribe and get news about the Fall Writing Frenzy
Maria Marshall “The Picture Book Buzz”
New Books Network I’ll chat with Mel Rosenberg on March 20 about my writing, books, and such.
PB Party Mindy Weiss Submissions for the contest are due Midnight to 8PM Eastern time on Feb. 3.
Renee La Tullippe Lyrical Language Lab
Rochelle Melander Write Now Coach Blog
Ryan Van Cleave “Only Picture Books”
Sandy Brehl “Unpacking the Power of Picture Books” NOTE: I’m excited for my debut NF picture book' STUCK! The Story of La Brea Tar Pits book birthday celebration on Sandy’s blog on March 4.
Tara Lazar – Writing for Kids “Storystorm” posts throughout January
Vivian Kirkfield Don’t miss Vivian’s 2025 #50PreciousWords contest!
INVALUABLE Writing Communities
In addition to my the feedback I receive from my incredibly talented critique group partners, I love learning and networking in writing communities. I highly recommend these groups.
The Courage to Create founded by Bethany Hegedus at the Writing Barn “Creating a supportive environment where people feel comfortable sharing their work and taking creative risks.”
Julie Hedlund’s 12 X 12 Picture Book Challenge “A writing challenge and the friendliest writing community on Earth” (Membership open January to end of February)
Inked Voices founded by Brooke McIntyre: where “writers rise together”
Mighty Kidlit founded by Michele Ziemke for authors and illustrators who are passionate about KidLit, and want to improve their creativity!
Rate Your Story Owner, Lynne Marie RYS membership includes access to Kidlit Creators on Mighty Network
Reimagine Insiders founded by Kirsten Larson
SCBWI The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators provides the resources, professional networking, and community-building opportunities that support writers, illustrators, and translators throughout their careers.
Storyteller Academy founded by Arree Chung on the Mighty Network “We help aspiring authors and illustrators learn the art of storytelling and get published.”
Writing Craft Workshop with Kate Penndorf and Valerie Heller
Wow! This is packed with resources. I’m going to need to bookmark this one. Thanks!